Watching Every Academy Award Best Picture Nominee and Winner from 1927-2028

This Bucket List Goal is to Watch Every Best Picture Oscars Nominees and Winners from 1927 to 2028

Watching every Academy Award best picture nominee and winner from 1927 to 2028 is possibly our most ambitious bucket list goal yet. The details are simple, we will watch every available movie that was nominated for best picture at the academy awards, including the winners, from it’s inception until it’s 101’s year. We say available movies because in some rare cases movies might have been lost to time and not be available to watch anymore, in those cases we will skip the movie and it won’t have an impact on the failure or success of the goal. 

Why We Chose This Goal

When we started this goal in 2019, there were already more than 500 movies that got a best picture nomination and more than 90 winners. Even if we were to watch one movie a day it would take us almost two years to watch the previous nominees. Starting in 2019, with the latest Oscars having been given to movies that came out in 2018, also meant that the nominees and winners from 2019 to 2028 were not yet decided which guaranteed that the goal would take a decade to complete. So why did we choose to do this seemingly crazy goal? Simple, because we love movies and this goal gave us the opportunity to watch numerous historically significant and potentially great movies. Of course, being nominated for a best picture Oscar does not guarantee the quality of a movie, but I get a feeling that even the worst movies will prove to be entertaining in some way.

Our Reviews of Every Academy Award Best Picture Nominees and Winners from 1927-2028

1927-28 (1st Academy Award)

Wings (1927) Review

Wings (1927) won the Oscar for Best Picture (Outstanding Picture) at the 1927/28 Academy Award.

The Racket (1928) Review

The Racket (1928) was nominated for Best Picture (Outstanding Picture) at the 1927/28 Academy Award.

7th Heaven (1927) Review

7th Heaven (1927) was nominated for Best Picture (Outstanding Picture) at the 1927/28 Academy Award.

1928-29 (2nd Academy Award)

Alibi (1929) Review

Alibi (1929) was nominated for Best Picture (Outstanding Picture) at the 1928/29 Academy Award.

1929-30 (3rd Academy Award)

Disraeli (1929) Review

Disraeli (1929) was nominated for Best Picture (Outstanding Production) at the 3rd Academy Award.

1930-31 (4th Academy Award)

Cimarron (Winner)
The Front Page
East Lynne
Trader Horn

1931-32 (5th Academy Award)

Grand Hotel (Winner)
Bad Girl
The Champ
Five Star Final
One Hour with You
Shanghai Express
The Smiling Lieutenant

1932-33 (6th Academy Award)

Cavalcade (Winner)
42nd Street
A Farewell to Arms
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang
Lady for a Day
Little Women
The Private Life of Henry VIII
She Done Him Wrong
Smilin’ Through
State Fair

1934 (7th Academy Award)

It Happened One Night (Winner)
The Barretts of Wimpole Street
Flirtation Walk
The Gay Divorcee
Here Comes the Navy
The House of Rothschild
Imitation of Life
One Night of Love
The Thin Man
Viva Villa!
The White Parade

1935 (8th Academy Award)

Mutiny on the Bounty (Winner)
Alice Adams
Broadway Melody of 1936
Captain Blood
David Copperfield
The Informer
The Lives of a Bengal Lancer
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Les Misérables
Naughty Marietta
Ruggles of Red Gap
Top Hat

1936 (9th Academy Award)

The Great Ziegfeld (Winner)
Anthony Adverse
Libeled Lady
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town
Romeo and Juliet
San Francisco
The Story of Louis Pasteur
A Tale of Two Cities
Three Smart Girls

1937 (10th Academy Award)

The Life of Emile Zola (Winner)
The Awful Truth
Captains Courageous
Dead End
The Good Earth
In Old Chicago
Lost Horizon
One Hundred Men and a Girl
Stage Door
A Star Is Born

1938 (11th Academy Award)

You Can’t Take It with You (Winner)
The Adventures of Robin Hood
Alexander’s Ragtime Band
Boys Town
The Citadel
Four Daughters
Grand Illusion
Test Pilot

1939 (12th Academy Award)

Gone with the Wind (Winner)
Dark Victory
Goodbye, Mr. Chips
Love Affair
Of Mice and Men
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Wuthering Heights
The Wizard of Oz

1940 (13th Academy Award)

Rebecca (Winner)
All This, and Heaven Too
Foreign Correspondent
The Grapes of Wrath
The Great Dictator
Kitty Foyle
The Letter
The Long Voyage Home
Our Town
The Philadelphia Story

1941 (14th Academy Award)

How Green Was My Valley (Winner)
Blossoms in the Dust
Citizen Kane
Here Comes Mr. Jordan
Hold Back the Dawn
The Little Foxes
The Maltese Falcon
One Foot in Heaven
Sergeant York

1942 (15th Academy Award)

Mrs. Miniver (Winner)
The Invaders
Kings Row
The Magnificent Ambersons
The Pied Piper
The Pride of the Yankees
Random Harvest
The Talk of the Town
Wake Island
Yankee Doodle Dandy

1943 (16th Academy Award)

Casablanca (Winner)
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Heaven Can Wait
The Human Comedy
In Which We Serve
Madame Curie
The More the Merrier
The Ox-Bow Incident
The Song of Bernadette
Watch on the Rhine

1944 (17th Academy Award)

Going My Way (Winner)
Double Indemnity
Since You Went Away

1945 (18th Academy Award)

The Lost Weekend (Winner)
Anchors Aweigh
The Bells of St. Mary’s
Mildred Pierce

1946 (19th Academy Award)

The Best Years of Our Lives (Winner)
Henry V
It’s a Wonderful Life
The Razor’s Edge
The Yearling

1947 (20th Academy Award)

Gentleman’s Agreement (Winner)
The Bishop’s Wife
Great Expectations
Miracle on 34th Street

1948 (21st Academy Award)

Hamlet (Winner)
Johnny Belinda
The Red Shoes
The Snake Pit
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

1949 (22nd Academy Award)

All the King’s Men (Winner)
The Heiress
A Letter to Three Wives
Twelve O’Clock High

1950 (23rd Academy Award)

All About Eve (Winner)
Born Yesterday
Father of the Bride
King Solomon’s Mines
Sunset Boulevard

1951 (24th Academy Award)

An American in Paris (Winner)
Decision Before Dawn
A Place in the Sun
Quo Vadis
A Streetcar Named Desire

1952 (25th Academy Award)

The Greatest Show on Earth (Winner)
High Noon
Moulin Rouge
The Quiet Man

1953 (26th Academy Award)

From Here to Eternity (Winner)
Julius Caesar
The Robe
Roman Holiday

1954 (27th Academy Award)

On the Waterfront (Winner)
The Caine Mutiny
The Country Girl
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Three Coins in the Fountain

1955 (28th Academy Award)

Marty (Winner)
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing
Mister Roberts
The Rose Tattoo

1956 (29th Academy Award)

Around the World in 80 Days (Winner)
Friendly Persuasion
The King and I
The Ten Commandments

1957 (30th Academy Award)

The Bridge on the River Kwai (Winner)
12 Angry Men
Peyton Place
Witness for the Prosecution

1958 (31st Academy Award)

Gigi (Winner)
Auntie Mame
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
The Defiant Ones
Separate Tables

1959 (32nd Academy Award)

Ben-Hur (Winner)
Anatomy of a Murder
The Diary of Anne Frank
The Nun’s Story
Room at the Top

1960 (33rd Academy Award)

The Apartment (Winner)
The Alamo
Elmer Gantry
Sons and Lovers
The Sundowners

1961 (34th Academy Award)

West Side Story (Winner)
The Guns of Navarone
The Hustler
Judgment at Nuremberg

1962 (35th Academy Award)

Lawrence of Arabia (Winner)
The Longest Day
The Music Man
Mutiny on the Bounty
To Kill a Mockingbird

1963 (36th Academy Award)

Tom Jones (Winner)
America America
How the West Was Won
Lilies of the Field

1964 (37th Academy Award)

My Fair Lady (Winner)
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Mary Poppins
Zorba the Greek

1965 (38th Academy Award)

The Sound of Music (Winner)
Doctor Zhivago
Ship of Fools
A Thousand Clowns

1966 (39th Academy Award)

A Man for All Seasons (Winner)
The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming
The Sand Pebbles
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

1967 (40th Academy Award)

In the Heat of the Night (Winner)
Bonnie and Clyde
Doctor Dolittle
The Graduate
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

1968 (41st Academy Award)

Oliver! (Winner)
Funny Girl
The Lion in Winter
Rachel, Rachel
Romeo and Juliet

1969 (42nd Academy Award)

Midnight Cowboy (Winner)
Anne of the Thousand Days
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Hello, Dolly!

1970 (43rd Academy Award)

Patton (Winner)
Five Easy Pieces
Love Story

1971 (44th Academy Award)

The French Connection (Winner)
A Clockwork Orange
Fiddler on the Roof
The Last Picture Show
Nicholas and Alexandra

1972 (45th Academy Award)

The Godfather (Winner)
The Emigrants

1973 (46th Academy Award)

The Sting (Winner)
American Graffiti
Cries and Whispers
The Exorcist
A Touch of Class

1974 (47th Academy Award)

The Godfather Part II (Winner)
The Conversation
The Towering Inferno

1975 (48th Academy Award)

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Winner)
Barry Lyndon
Dog Day Afternoon

1976 (49th Academy Award)

Rocky (Winner)
All the President’s Men
Bound for Glory
Taxi Driver

1977 (50th Academy Award)

Annie Hall (Winner)
The Goodbye Girl
Star Wars
The Turning Point

1978 (51st Academy Award)

The Deer Hunter (Winner)
Coming Home
Heaven Can Wait
Midnight Express
An Unmarried Woman

1979 (52nd Academy Award)

Kramer vs. Kramer (Winner)
All That Jazz
Apocalypse Now
Breaking Away
Norma Rae

1980 (53rd Academy Award)

Ordinary People (Winner)
Coal Miner’s Daughter
The Elephant Man
Raging Bull

1981 (54th Academy Award)

Chariots of Fire (Winner)
Atlantic City
On Golden Pond
Raiders of the Lost Ark

1982 (55th Academy Award)

Gandhi (Winner)
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
The Verdict

1983 (56th Academy Award)

Terms of Endearment (Winner)
The Big Chill
The Dresser
The Right Stuff
Tender Mercies

1984 (57th Academy Award)

Amadeus (Winner)
The Killing Fields
A Passage to India
Places in the Heart
A Soldier’s Story

1985 (58th Academy Award)

Out of Africa (Winner)
The Color Purple
Kiss of the Spider Woman
Prizzi’s Honor

1986 (59th Academy Award)

Platoon (Winner)
Children of a Lesser God
Hannah and Her Sisters
The Mission
A Room with a View

1987 (60th Academy Award)

The Last Emperor (Winner)
Broadcast News
Fatal Attraction
Hope and Glory

1988 (61st Academy Award)

Rain Man (Winner)
The Accidental Tourist
Dangerous Liaisons
Mississippi Burning
Working Girl

1989 (62nd Academy Award)

Driving Miss Daisy (Winner)
Born on the Fourth of July
Dead Poets Society
Field of Dreams
My Left Foot

1990 (63rd Academy Award)

Dances with Wolves (Winner)
The Godfather Part III

1991 (64th Academy Award)

The Silence of the Lambs (Winner)
Beauty and the Beast
The Prince of Tides

1992 (65th Academy Award)

Unforgiven (Winner)
The Crying Game
A Few Good Men
Howards End
Scent of a Woman

1993 (66th Academy Award)

Schindler’s List (Winner)
The Fugitive
In the Name of the Father
The Piano
The Remains of the Day

1994 (67th Academy Award)

Forrest Gump (Winner)
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Pulp Fiction
Quiz Show
The Shawshank Redemption

1995 (68th Academy Award)

Braveheart (Winner)
Apollo 13
The Postman (Il Postino)
Sense and Sensibility

1996 (69th Academy Award)

The English Patient (Winner)
Jerry Maguire
Secrets & Lies

1997 (70th Academy Award)

Titanic (Winner)
As Good as It Gets
The Full Monty
Good Will Hunting
L.A. Confidential

1998 (71st Academy Award)

Shakespeare in Love (Winner)
Life Is Beautiful
Saving Private Ryan
The Thin Red Line

1999 (72nd Academy Award)

American Beauty (Winner)
The Cider House Rules
The Green Mile
The Insider
The Sixth Sense

2000 (73rd Academy Award)

Gladiator (Winner)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Erin Brockovich

2001 (74th Academy Award)

A Beautiful Mind (Winner)
Gosford Park
In the Bedroom
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Moulin Rouge!

2002 (75th Academy Award)

Chicago (Winner)
Gangs of New York
The Hours
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Pianist

2003 (76th Academy Award)

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Winner)
Lost in Translation
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Mystic River

2004 (77th Academy Award)

Million Dollar Baby (Winner)
The Aviator
Finding Neverland

2005 (78th Academy Award)

Crash (Winner)
Brokeback Mountain
Good Night, and Good Luck

2006 (79th Academy Award)

The Departed (Winner)
Letters from Iwo Jima
Little Miss Sunshine
The Queen

2007 (80th Academy Award)

No Country for Old Men (Winner)
Michael Clayton
There Will Be Blood

2008 (81st Academy Award)

Slumdog Millionaire (Winner)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader

2009 (82nd Academy Award)

The Hurt Locker (Winner)
The Blind Side
District 9
An Education
Inglourious Basterds
Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire
A Serious Man
Up in the Air

2010 (83rd Academy Award)

The King’s Speech (Winner)
127 Hours
Black Swan
The Fighter
The Kids Are All Right
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
True Grit
Winter’s Bone

2011 (84th Academy Award)

The Artist (Winner)
The Descendants
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
The Help
Midnight in Paris
The Tree of Life
War Horse

2012 (85th Academy Award)

Argo (Winner)
Beasts of the Southern Wild
Django Unchained
Les Misérables
Life of Pi
Silver Linings Playbook
Zero Dark Thirty

2013 (86th Academy Award)

12 Years a Slave (Winner)
American Hustle
Captain Phillips
Dallas Buyers Club
The Wolf of Wall Street

2014 (87th Academy Award)

Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (Winner)
American Sniper
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Imitation Game
The Theory of Everything

2015 (88th Academy Award)

Spotlight (Winner)
The Big Short
Bridge of Spies
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Martian
The Revenant

2016 (89th Academy Award)

Moonlight (Winner)
Hacksaw Ridge
Hell or High Water
Hidden Figures
La La Land
Manchester by the Sea

2017 (90th Academy Award)

The Shape of Water (Winner)
Call Me by Your Name
Darkest Hour
Get Out
Lady Bird
Phantom Thread
The Post
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

2018 (91st Academy Award)

Green Book (Winner)
Black Panther
Bohemian Rhapsody
The Favourite
A Star Is Born

2019 (92nd Academy Award)

Parasite (Winner)
Marriage Story
The Irishman
Little Women
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Ford v Ferrari
Jojo Rabbit

2020 (93rd Academy Award)

Nomadland (Winner)
The Trial of the Chicago 7
Sound of Metal
Promising Young Woman
The Father
Judas and the Black Messiah

2021 (94th Academy Award)


2022 (95th Academy Award)


2023 (96th Academy Award)


2024 (97th Academy Award)


2025 (98th Academy Award)


2026 (99th Academy Award)


2027 (100th Academy Award)


2028 (101st Academy Award)


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